Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Help Me Find My Neck!

Chris Christie’s “I am fatter than you are,” in-your-face attitude is catching up with him.
Turns out the mega-transportation project he canceled because of his “principles” had none of the problems he decried.  He over-estimated the project’s max cost by several billion dollars and lied about the percentage of the cost that his State would have to bear:  he said New Jersey would have to pay 70%.  In fact, it’s share would have been 14.4 percent.

New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg is making the left wing media rounds today letting the world know that Governor Fatty-Fatty-Two-By-Four, at a minimum, “misrepresented” the facts to his constituency.   He cost New Jersey a big opportunity  — maybe not as big as he is, but BIG.

This may top his radio show I-don’t-give-a-shit about New Jersey’s public schools comments…
He won’t get the VEEP spot.  Maybe he will leave his family for Ann Coulter.  Or some fudge.

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